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18 octobre 2007

V. Venet - Le grand défilé

On sort de sa chrysalide Pour le grand défileQuelques années candidesAvant de s’élancerDans ce western insipideEn mode accéléréOù l’âme implore, livideLe droit de respirer On n’entend plusNos vies intérieuresOn s’évertueÀ donner le meilleurOn ne prend...
17 octobre 2007

AaRON - Le tunnel d'Or

Regarde, il gèle Là sous mes yeux Des stalactites de rêves Trop vieux Toutes ces promesses Qui s’évaporent Vers d’autres ciels Vers d’autres ports Et mes rêves s’accrochent à tes phalanges Je t’aime trop fort, ça te dérange Et mes rêves se brisent sur...
16 octobre 2007

Last Night Thoughts - AaRON

I still feel like a child I still need you by my side I still hear you late at night
15 octobre 2007

AaRON - Little Love

Come on dance around shine upon the ground from me to you don't you know i'm strong I could win the world for you for you don't you ever cry I would stop breathin' for you for you don't worry life is easy don't worry life is easy did you ever fly let...
14 octobre 2007

AaRON - Angel Dust

Broken dreams of flyin birdsdirty hands on skinny arms just hanging down her shoulders like a deadly young old tree and a bit of blood rollin', gently down her nose on the floor the princess, strikes the pose say goodbye to angel dust the only angel that...
13 octobre 2007

AaRON - War Flag

Go to war little helmet make them proud say goodbye little helmet say it loud a crown for clowns don't be shy little helmet just a war catch a bullet little helmet you'll be a star muscles and lies flag all around don't know why I'm fallin down muscles...
12 octobre 2007

AaRON - Lost Highways

Lost highway, carry on All the souls that I' ve known I see flowers everywhere But it’s only cryings that come up in the air So many lives around I guess that it was just your time For every rose, one big stone One phone call, my world alone I miss you,...
11 octobre 2007

AaRON - Beautiful scar

Into the streets of your mind I get lost once in a while crystal clear antagony your soul is not the right one for me baby doll you're a porn soul baby doll you're a porn soul sexy beast upon my chest dark angel sucked all the best this is a brainwashing...
10 octobre 2007

AaRON - Blow

You said you’d call And I beg you to do so Maybe you don’t wanna grow To find all the things That makes grown up cry You surely wanna stay too high You said you’d call And I beg you to do so Maybe you don’t wanna show That tears have drawn your dreams...
9 octobre 2007

AaRON - O-Song

Warm place calm and quiet small grace white birds high up you know fireworks and fairy tales and dragonfly in my summer mind soft sand dark skin palm trees and sun cream easy talking in the bed I drink your lies with some corona and the heat smells good...
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